Your success is our passion

Growth & Strategy
Trusted Advisory.
Change & Transformation. 
Executive Advice & Management. 

Welcome to 

SIEGEL ADVICE is your competent and highly professional partner for all questions concerning:

  • Growth & Strategy
  • Change & Transformation
  • Excellence in Leadership
  • Top-Level Customer Consulting

Executive Advice & Management Services complete our portfolio.

Expertise and experience for success, empathy and highest commitment to the added value of our clients are our passion and our trademark. We serve clients from a wide range of industries and the public sector.

Let us define and implement the right solutions for your success together - especially in the areas where you are literally feeling the pinch.

Contact me directly for a free initial consultation. 

Yours Dr Nico A. Siegel

Profitable growth: 
Success focussed positioning with TRIPLE6 and Business Canvas 

Set sail for profitable growth in stormy times: our unique combination of TRIPLE6 and the Business Canvas Process identifies not only the key factors for the success of your business model but offers the compass to navigate successfully through business critical decisions in areas such as Talent, IT & Data, Sales, Marketing, Operations and Procurement.

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Trust is key: 
Top level client relationships  as a TRUSTED ADVISOR 

The more digitalised business models become, the more important trust-based customer relationships become as a crucial success factor for sustainable growth in the B2B sector. Maximise your client impact of your company as a TRUSTED ADVISOR by consistently establishing top-level client relationships.

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Change & Transformation: Powerful and successful change leadership based on 6 PACK FOR CHANGE

With 6 PACK FOR CHANGE you initiate, lead and manage change processes successfully. Motivating and consistent leadership, clear and consistent communication and professional management are the key ingredients for successful change and transformation.

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Growth & strategy
Growing profitably, orchestrating success

In order to grow profitably in turbulent times, a clear course is needed: targeted navigation along strategic goals and a positioning in the market that convincingly conveys the unique value and consistently ensures it in day-to-day operations.

SIEGEL ADVICE advises and supports you in the Growth & Strategy business area with the following challenges, among others:

  • Overcoming acute performance problems in terms of growth, profitability or customer loyalty
  • Establishing, expanding or realigning business portfolio
  • Strategic positioning and repositioning
  • Consistent alignment of internal company processes with overarching goals
    We use our expertise in a targeted manner for companies of different sizes and from different industries, from start-ups in the data/IT/AI business to established companies in the manufacturing and service sectors.

The consistent alignment of companies with their overarching goals is an indispensable component for long-term success in terms of growth and profitability. This is precisely where we come in: with a strictly practice-orientated further development of proven approaches from strategic management: TRIPLE6.

TRIPLE 6 comprises six core areas of strategic orientation, each with three relevant fields of action for areas such as customer service, operations, employees and marketing.

TRIPLE 6 is not an abstract consulting model and does not define 'one-size-fits all' blueprints that do not do justice to the practice of individual companies. Rather, it is a tried and tested approach. It ensures that the unique challenges of running a successful business are managed in a customised, systematic and structured way with a clear compass. 

TRIPLE 6 is highly flexible and can be used in combination with Business Canvas processes for a focussed value proposition of your business. 

Contact us for an initial consultation to correctly categorise the pain points you are currently facing and define concrete steps to overcome them.


Setting a clear course along the value proposition

We support you in successfully navigating towards your goals:

  • Unique Value Positioning: Differentiate yourself visibly and successfully from the competition. Convincingly define and communicate purpose and overarching goals and continuously bring them to life in day-to-day operations.
  • What do I do where and for whom? Focussing on target customer segments, market demarcation, definition of business areas.
  • How do I win? Positioning in the competition, convincing placement of the Licence to Win in the market for retaining existing customers and acquiring new customers.
  • How do I do it? Optimisation of value chains, selection and consistent implementation of systems and processes in areas such as IT, data, finance, marketing, people and operations. 
  • What do I not offer, what do I no longer offer? Focusing and prioritising, creating clarity for stakeholders. 

We work with you to define the "What, Where and How to Do's" and the "Don'ts" for your success.


Transformation & Change 

The majority of change projects fail or the goals originally set are missed in terms of the extent, speed and continuity of the change. Where far-reaching transformation is aimed for, changes often get stuck before the change dynamic can really take effect.

The result of costly and gruelling but ultimately unsuccessful change processes is frustration among staff and management and, ultimately, accumulated competitive disadvantages.


Transformational change through effective leadership, communication and professional change management

6 PACK FOR CHANGE integrates various approaches from change management, including "8 Steps to Transformation" by Prof John P. Kotter.

6 PACK FOR CHANGE is characterised by its clarity and simplicity and covers both rational and emotional aspects of successful change management. 

6PACK FOR CHANGE precisely locates in which area the change is well prepared and where there is an urgent need for action in order to create the conditions for successful change.

Let's create the conditions for your successful change together. Contact us today to initiate your successful change journey tomorrow.


Transforming your client relationships to the top level

Digital transformation is progressing steadily and with enormous speed. Products, services and processes are increasingly being designed and delivered digitally first or digitally only. However, this does not mean that the remaining direct human-to-human relationships at the interfaces with your customers are becoming less important. The opposite is the case: the quality of the customer relationship is becoming increasingly important in differentiating your company from the competition. This applies in particular to B2B customer relationships with decision-makers, whether at board level, in purchasing or at operational project level.

In view of the diverse and rapid changes and the resulting uncertainties, "trusted advice" is becoming the key currency of successful customer consulting more than ever. The Trusted Advisor approach was developed by David Maister, Charles Green and Robert Galford more than 20 years ago and has been successfully applied in a wide range of industries to improve the quality and impact of customer service.

The path to becoming a Trusted Advisor involves an honest assessment of current customer relationships, targeted coaching and workshops with a strict practical focus to create a robust set of competences. Barriers to becoming a Trusted Advisor are identified and the path to trust-based advice is effectively demonstrated.

Anyone who sets out to become a Trusted Advisor has already taken the first step towards success

Organisations that consistently place the customer at the centre of their actions out of the deepest conviction will be rewarded in every respect: advice that delivers substantial added value, that brings more economic success, that gives more pleasure and lays the foundation for resilient customer relationships that go far beyond business transactions.



Step by step to becoming a
Trusted Advisor

Step 1: Build Trust

Active listening to gain the deepest possible understanding of the customer's needs is the first step towards building trust. This requires courage and the expertise of 'deep active listening'. This is precisely where the Trusted Advisor approach from SIEGEL ADVICE comes in: through intensive coaching and feedback on behaviour in specific, typical customer contact situations.

Step 2: High value and impact advice

In the next step, the main aim is to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of various options by asking specific questions - again strictly from the customer's perspective.

The maxim here is not the one answer to the customer's pressing questions and, above all, not the hasty answer, but the well-founded presentation of alternatives and the respective advantages and disadvantages of reliable options.

The ultimate step to the peak level: Trusted Advisor and Partner in Innovation

Those who have achieved Trusted Advisor status can recognise potential opportunities that remain closed to them with traditional sales techniques and the associated understanding of their role. Whether trouble shooting for sub-optimal projects, price negotiations, pitch information, cross-selling opportunities - the tangible benefits include both rational and emotional aspects of working as a customer advisor. More success combined with more enjoyment at work are the keywords.

We organise training and coaching sessions for customer-oriented managers and C-level leaders who want to take their status with key customers to the next level. Contact us and make an appointment for a customised journey to your Trusted Advisor status.

Leading with Impact: 
Executive Advice & Management

SIEGEL ADVICE supports you in matters relating to excellence in leadership, whether in private companies or public organisations. We offer selective and accompanying services in the field of executive advice and interim management.

The range of services includes both external consulting and the provision of management services in the event of acute problems: Performance, leadership succession, change or post-merger integration of teams, structures and processes.

Please contact us for an initial consultation.

The founder

Nico Siegel's advice has been trusted by decision-makers in business and government for more than a decade.

As CEO of Kantar Public Germany, Managing Director of TNS Infratest and Managing Director of Infratest dimap: Nico Siegel has acted successfully in a wide variety of management functions at C-level in global corporations (WPP, Kantar) and in the public eye.

Growth, innovation and strategic development were the focus of his leadership in the German business, while restructuring and comprehensive change processes in the global group characterised his time in global boards and management roles for more than a decade.

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